President's Letter Apr 2024

President's Letter Apr 2024

Rock of the Marne!!

The 2024 Soldiers Ball will be on November 22 in Savannah, GA. Therefore, our Society annual reunion will coincide with this event. We will have the itinerary and registration for the reunion in the June edition of the WOTR. Make plans now to be in Savannah, GA the week of November 21-24, 2024.

The Executive committee has made the very difficult decision to raise annual members’ dues. The Society has NOT raised dues in over 20 years and $20 in 1994 just doesn’t go as far as it did. Costs for everything have risen and the $20 annual dues was NOT covering the expenses. Therefore, beginning on 1 April 2024, annual dues for US members will be $35 and Overseas members will be $45. We also had to raise the Active Duty Life membership dues to $150. All of these increases will ensure that our expenses are covered for the next few years.

If you are a Leader of an Outpost and know of members who have moved or otherwise changed their info, please send that to the Roster Manager as soon as you are aware. This job requires constant attention, and having the help of the members and the OP leaders is critical for ensuring that we are able to keep our members abreast of all the latest news and Society pertinent information.

As you know, January through May is our nominations cycle. Nominations for Society awards, the Society President, and the three regional Vice-Presidents and submissions for Constitution and Bylaws changes are now open. Please consider serving at the National Level. It is a very rewarding experience and is critical to ensuring that our great Society will continue for another 100 years. If you are interested in any of these offices, please contact me directly.

I traveled to Southern Italy at the end of March in order to attend the dedication ceremony for the 3rd ID monument in Mignano. This monument was the brainchild of our OP16 President, Luigi Settimi. This is an amazing accomplishment and one that will honor our Soldiers for decades to come. The Division sent their leadership, numerous officers, the band and color guard to support this event. I will have an indepth full report in the June edition of our magazine. Many thanks to all of our OP16 members who worked so hard to make this a reality.

I’d like to thank all of our Society Executive Committee, staff, Scholarship Foundation trustees and Outpost Leaders for serving in your capacities. We need more people to jump in and help out. Many of these people have been in their positions for a long time and they need new members to help out. Please look for ways to help in your Outpost and at the National Level. We need you!

I can NOT stress enough how important it is to help us recruit new members. I want our Society to be around for our 200th Anniversary, but that will only happen if each of us makes recruiting a personal mission. Please recruit one person this year into the Society.

Lastly, please keep our deployed Soldiers in your prayers. Many are currently serving in harm’s way and our prayers for their safe return and the comfort of their families left behind are of utmost importance.

Rock of the Marne!

Toby Knight